Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Further lawsuit news

Things are going well with the lawsuit. I have Obi-Won, Asoka, Yodu and Master Windue on my side, and so far all Anikin has is Dood. By the way, his defences of sending me on vacations,
and me not mentioning the money matter are not actually truthful. I mentioned it numerous times, and on the "vacation" I got kidnapped!!!!!!


Storm Trooper 731 said...

what about that time I sent you to that tropical island and you got a rustburn. I had good intentions from the start. it was your fault you got a rustburn.

Storm Trooper 731 said...

maybe you shouldn't be my butler anymore. I don't want one who expects someone with a small salary like mine to pay him (especially if he is a droid.) R2 may be irritating, but at least he doesn't expect the impossible! 8(